This kind of project requires very meticulous work with the development of the information hierarchy. So, the first challenge we faced was the creation of platform logic. It starts right from the start: what input fields do we need to include in the registration to make it quick but meaningful? What information needs to be put right in the front if everything seems to be important?
Breaking down the Information
Namely, into primary and secondary, thus we knew exactly what to put first. Not to scare potential customers away by making them go through complex registration, we divided it into 2 steps that included from 3 to 4 fields with the indication of the step they were at. Then a customer is offered to complete their profile on the main dashboard. To sign in, on the other hand, a user needs to fill in just 2 fields.

Getting rid of extra movements
Unlike other job search platforms, this one doesn’t charge you for job postings, you need to pay only if you want to promote your vacancy. At first, the client wanted to promote job positions by offering a user to buy virtual currency (credits) for real money. We dismissed this idea as users would literally have to make one purchase to then make another one. So we suggested keeping it simple and gave customers two options: credit card or PayPal. In this way, we save time for users and increase the chances of a successful transaction.
Intuitive interface
The dashboard includes all the data you may want to access quickly like jobs views, AD performance, and so on. From there it is easy to check messages, applicants, change settings and fill in the information about your gaming company. The block style we chose makes the data evident so that a user won’t spend hours figuring out how it works and where to find the information on a specific subject.
Search mechanism
The dashboard includes all the data you may want to access quickly like jobs views, AD performance, and so on. From there it is easy to check messages, applicants, change settings and fill in the information about your gaming company. The block style we chose makes the data evident so that a user won’t spend hours figuring out how it works and where to find the information on a specific subject.
Making the platform stand out from others
After conducting thorough research, we settled on a dark theme. Firstly, no other job board uses a dark mode. Secondly, the gaming industry often uses dark colors in its branding, as seen on Discord, Twitch, and others services. As a result, such a color palette distinguishes our website from others and gets exactly the association we need.