Strategic Tech Partner with design-driven approach for
Hardware manufacturers
SaaS providers
E-commerce and retail operators
Hardware manufacturers
We think, we design, we implement, we care.
Healthcare & Medtech
Ecommerce & Retail
Energy & Utilities
Value added from a data driven approach provided by Equal’s Team.
Choose quality and trusted services to improve the presence of your company on the Internet, and feel free to contact our UK team if you have any questions.
Low conversion rate
Hotjar’s analysis of online store user behavior revealed a number of problems, which resulted in a bounce rate of almost 60%.
Users spend extra time to select language, currency, and search for the right product. Difficulties with switching between collections limit visitors’ ability to browse products. Uncomfortable menu structure, navigation in the catalog, all this together negatively affects sales.
In addition, part of the traffic to the site comes from advertising, which means that most of the money is spent inefficiently.
Overestimated time to complete a task
The platform had a number of user experience issues. Users often experienced delays and suboptimal system performance, which slowed down the process of inspecting production facilities. The average time to complete important tasks was 30% longer than expected. Even regular users reported difficulty navigating and inefficient use of key functions.
User retention
Using an ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) approach, we optimised the user experience of the online shop, which resulted in an increase in conversion rates on the website:
- Transaction ratio increased by 22.9%
- Average order value increased by 11.6%
- Revenue increased by 19.8%
In addition, we developed a unified design system for the entire project, which not only made the interface clearer and more predictable for the user, but also allowed us to speed up and optimise the development process.
User retention
Using an ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) approach, we optimised the user experience of the online shop, which resulted in an increase in conversion rates on the website:
- Transaction ratio increased by 22.9%
- Average order value increased by 11.6%
- Revenue increased by 19.8%
In addition, we developed a unified design system for the entire project, which not only made the interface clearer and more predictable for the user, but also allowed us to speed up and optimise the development process.
Select expert-level UI/UX professionals for your design project
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increased Transaction ratio
+22.9% of transaction ratio
Using an ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) approach, we optimised the user experience of the online shop, which resulted in an increase in conversion rates on the website:
- Transaction ratio increased by 22.9%
- Average order value increased by 11.6%
- Revenue increased by 19.8%
In addition, we developed a unified design system for the entire project, which not only made the interface clearer and more predictable for the user, but also allowed us to speed up and optimise the development process.
Increased productivity
-35% task completion time
Using the (UCD) User centric design approach a redesign of the platform was done where we focused on improving user experience and performance.

Implementing the changes resulted in a significant improvement in the interaction with the system. The time spent on important tasks was reduced by 35%.

This was achieved through streamlined processes and a more intuitive interface that is more appealing to users.
User retention
+22.9% of transaction ratio
Using an ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) approach, we optimised the user experience of the online shop, which resulted in an increase in conversion rates on the website:
- Transaction ratio increased by 22.9%
- Average order value increased by 11.6%
- Revenue increased by 19.8%
In addition, we developed a unified design system for the entire project, which not only made the interface clearer and more predictable for the user, but also allowed us to speed up and optimise the development process.
User retention
+22.9% of transaction ratio
Using an ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) approach, we optimised the user experience of the online shop, which resulted in an increase in conversion rates on the website:
- Transaction ratio increased by 22.9%
- Average order value increased by 11.6%
- Revenue increased by 19.8%
In addition, we developed a unified design system for the entire project, which not only made the interface clearer and more predictable for the user, but also allowed us to speed up and optimise the development process.
Schedule a free consultation with our specialists to discover which UX solution will yield the best results for your business.
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Companies who trust us
The Equal team has helped over 50 companies worldwide find the optimal solution for their projects in terms of achieving business goals and resources.
Our awesome cases
Equal Agency has completed over 90 projects in 4 years and is proud to share the results with you.
4  year+
studio experience
designed projects
awards won
12 year+
staff experience
8 400h+
hours tracked
4  year+
studio experience
designed projects
awards won
12 year+
staff experience
8 400h+
hours tracked
We combine all the necessary areas for product development.
Become a client
Research & Strategy
We immerse ourselves in processes, conduct stakeholder interviews, and organize a workshop with research to create a product that is not only visually appealing and easy to use, but also meets business requirements.
Navigation architecture
Rapid Prototyping
UX Audit
Detailed estimate
Product design
Based on the well-defined navigation architecture, we have a clear roadmap for our workflow. This allows us to understand the project's requirements, identify potential opportunities, establish and visualize processes, and effectively guide each stage of the project to ensure optimal outcomes.
UI/UX Design
Web App
Mobile App
Our skilled in-house team of developers is responsible for end-to-end development of captivating and functional websites and mobile applications. If there is a specific area of expertise required, we collaborate with trusted partners who specialize in those particular solutions. We deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to meet all project requirements.
Software development
Apps for IOS & Android
No-code solutions
Brand experience
Every business has unique requirements, which is why our branding service packages are customized to meet your specific needs. Leveraging our expertise, we help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors and create a lasting impression on their customers. In addition, we provide custom graphic design and marketing materials at request.
Brand identify & guideliness
Motion design
We strengthen
your inhouse
team or work on the product ourself launch MVPs, close individual tasks, or look for points of growth.
Are you striving to achieve product-market fit?
Product Success Audit
Get a FREE audit
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Le’t dive into your digital product and discover what is your best step to scale.
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Founder of Equal

Look what our clients say about us
Choose quality and trusted services to improve the presence of your company on the Internet, and feel free to contact our UK team if you have any questions.
"Equal has proven to be a great customer advocate as they proactively challenge the client’s approach."
Richard Bell
CEO, PingNpay
"I like their attention to detail and understanding of their client's goals and scope."
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company
"We liked their communication cadence and style; overall, it was a positive experience. The client plans to engage with them again."
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.
"Equal was very creative and professional, and they worked as a team. They were very helpful and timely, delivering ahead of schedule"
Valerie Lavskaya
CMO, Promodo
"Equal has proven to be a great customer advocate as they proactively challenge the client’s approach."
Richard Bell
CEO, PingNpay
"I like their attention to detail and understanding of their client's goals and scope."
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company
"We liked their communication cadence and style; overall, it was a positive experience. The client plans to engage with them again."
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.
"Equal was very creative and professional, and they worked as a team. They were very helpful and timely, delivering ahead of schedule"
Valerie Lavskaya
CMO, Promodo
25+ international awards and mentions in such areas UI/UX design & development
Named on Clutch, Manifest and Visual Objects catalogues as one of the Top Agencies in Eastern Europe in different categories.
Equal - Product Design Agency
Site of the day.
UI Design Award
UX Design Award
Design Kitchen
Special Kudos.
Starred website
UX Design Award
UI Design Award
Innovation Award
Special Kudos.
Innovation Design Award
UX Design Award
UI Design Award
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Site of the day.
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Top User Experience Company
Top Design Company
Top Product Design Company
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Top Prototype Design Company Top Design Company
Top Digital Design Company
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Most Reviewed Product Design Company
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Top Rated Plus Agency status. 97% Job Success
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Honorable mention
Mobile excellence
Design Kitchen School
Honorable mention
Equal - Product
Design Agency
Guru of the day
Guru of the month
Equal - Product Design Agency
Featured of the day
Equal - Product
Design Agency
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