Homezero - climate tech startup from the Netherlands
HomeZero is a climate tech startup from the Netherlands that aims to accelerate the transition to energy-efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly residential buildings in Europe.
“They are a pearl in an ocean of mediocrity.”

Throughout the project, our main goal was to create a design that is not only attractive, but also makes the entire experience of using platform seamless and functional. We sought to create a solid visual representation of platform's efficiency and eco-friendliness with a strong attention to detail. Our goal is to provide homeowners and businesses with a seamless means of interacting in the sustainable building industry, enriching their user experience and providing a comfortable collaboration experience.

Navigation architecture




UI design like your close friends
Our goal was to create a design that would be an ally for the user on the way to energy efficiency. Through attention to detail and navigation, we aimed to provide users with an excellent, beautiful and intuitive design that shows that the transition to energy efficiency is effortless and enjoyable.

Client side functional
House Scan
Measure Selection
Find Business
Request Quotes
Review by HomeZero
Variety of Filters

Main Clients Features
After thorough preparation, we entered the design phase. We aimed to minimize unnecessary user actions, clarifying essential steps and emphasizing element design with appealing graphics and color highlights.

Company side functional
Company Info
Quota Requests
Credits for Quotes
Managing Reviews

What about company functional
We have also designed a dashboard for companies, providing them with self-presentation tools where they can describe their company, present their offerings and type of service. Companies can view and respond to customer feedback and handle user quotes.

Our collaboration with our clients remains at the center of our work. We strive to create products that are not only beautiful, but also enhance the quality of everyday life.