Hardware Manufacturer Enterprises

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking

About project
Hardware Manufacturer
9-12 months
Team Size
5 specialists

FEBC International is a leading FF&E and OS&E procurement management consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in major international 
hotel projects.

UI/UX design
Web app
User testing
Navigation Architecture
Mobile app
UX research
Client review
“I like their attention to detail and understanding of their client's goals and scope.”
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #1
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company
Goals &

Rethinking business processes within FEBC and designing 
a fundamentally new interface for the software with user goals in mind.

Creation of a convenient platform that will allow all parties 
of the procurement process to cooperate and make FEBC business processes more clear and controllable.

Solutions &

6 different global flows were developed for FF&I / OS&I managers, Admin, Suppliers, Clients. Also, we developed  a mobile application for inspection and VR / AR applications. The entire product with all its components has been comprehensively worked out.

1000 h
hours spent
key screen
FEBC International is a leading FF&E and OS&E procurement management consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in major international 
hotel projects.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #2
Experiencing augmentedand virtual reality
Work process

Research and interview

We needed to learn about the present platform’s functionality and the aims of its users while concurrently creating the platform’s navigation structure so that we would be able better to comprehend the current platform’s functionality and user needs.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #3


Following the client’s approval of the plan and idea, they began constructing the wireframes. The conclusion led to the deployment of the Material Design framework and concepts. Because of this, the development and design teams were able to work together more effectively.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #4

UI Design

We generated clickable prototypes to make it easier to test the product. As a result, users could interact with the product in real-time without incurring any development costs. Other screens and functions could also be tracked and mapped out for future reference by a developer’s team.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #5
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #6

Development support

To get the perfect platform development results, our team has always kept in touch with development team through video calls, active communication in Figma documents, and conducting devchecks.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #6

Review of the 
current platform

A large number of different sides of the procurement process and remote work 
from different locations make management more complex and have a number 
of specific requirements. Today’s hotel management tools are clearly not sufficient 
since they are not designed to fulfill the current needs. This poses major problems 
for employees because they struggle to track their daily tasks and collaborate together.

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Noisy screens
There is no specific style of text, icons and all other visual elements of the platform
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
One platform for all FEBC patries
There is no separation os parties, all participants see too much unnecessary information that confuses them.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Bad navigation
It is very difficult to find the section with the necessary information and perform actions promptly.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Lack of tips and onboarding
It is difficult to use the platform without tips because of the burden of information on the screens
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Lack of accents
No opportunity to concentrate on important things, which increases the strain on the platform users.

Client side functional

The process of working on this project turned out to be quite an interesting challenge for us, as it involved a series of research, testing, and preparation 
of a new approach to the project of a huge platform with many sides and tasks

Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Control the design phase

The client is aware of each stage, he sees the amount of work done on each stage, as well as the amount of work to be done.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Ability to control several projects

If the client has several current projects, he can control them in one place.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Eligible supplier approval

The client is given a choice between suppliers and can approve or reject different candidates directly on the platform.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Project’s budget control

The client can see how much money was spent and on which categories, as well as compare the amount spent and the remaining in real time.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Manager-supplier communication

The client can communicate with suppliers and managers within the platform, thus reducing the time for communication.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Electronic document signing

The client has the opportunity to sign documents for the delivery with an electronic signature on the platform.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #17

User Scenarios

The client provided us with User Interviews of their managers in the 
form of a text document - this served as the foundation for creating User Scenarios. We needed the scenarios in order to clearly understand the number of people, their main goals, tasks, and wishes. Thanks to the scenarios, we derived 5 main parties that will interact with the platform.

Project Manager (FF&E)
Management of all stages of the procurement process for FF&E
BOQ preparation
Comparison of supplier prices
Obtaining approvals between the client and the manager
Preparing a purchase order for a supplier who has won the contract by the customer's decision
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #15
Project Manager (OS&E)
Management of all process for OS&E
BOQ preparation
Obtaining prices from suppliers
Obtaining approvals between the client and the manager
Preparation of a purchase order checkout for a supplier who has won a contract at the discretion of the client.
Management of the calendar and sticking to the schedule, controling project timing.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #16
Business Manager
Introducing new leads into the system as part of the sales cycle
Monitoring and assisting in the team’s negotiation processes
Transferring the winning contract to the project team
Adding new contacts to the system
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #17
Tracking the progress of project managers in FEBC
Making approvals on the system
Viewing progress
Viewing reports and budgets
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #19
Providing prices for their products within the system
Storing catalogs and information about themselves
Tracking the tenders that they won / lost
Communicating with team members about projects
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #20

Client side functional

The process of working on this project turned out to be quite an interesting challenge for us, as it involved a series of research, testing, and preparation 
of a new approach to the project of a huge platform with many sides and tasks

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #21
Visual overview
Simple and laconic interface for quick and easy interaction
Users can visually track all their projects and their current status on one screen. The convenience of moving between projects and quick switching provides ease in managing each of them.
Less time for functional test creation
Faster navigation interactions
New UX flows that the system lacked
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #22
BOQ Purchasing Control System
We elaborated the BOQ system, which help managers to make a list of purchases for the project. Many states and use cases have been elaborated for this section .
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #23
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #24
Budget Control Widget
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #25
Track the delivery of the order widget
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11
Time tracker
We have developed a system that helps company employees track how much time they spend performing a particular task. Here is a widget which help user to select the project he is working on and turns on the tracker.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #26
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11
Time tracker
We have developed a system that helps company employees track how much time they spend performing a particular task. Here is a widget which help user to select the project he is working on and turns on the tracker.
Manager side functional
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Manage project stage timelines

The manager sets timelines for different stages of the project and can control them.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Client-supplier communication

Internal chat allows you to communicate with all the people involved in the project.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Purchasing table management

The manager compiles a large table of items for purchase, assigning the necessary parameters.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Tender creation for suppliers

The manager adds vendors for the supply tender. After that, suppliers offer prices for different goods.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Purchase order control

The manager maintains documents related to the delivery, edits them and sends them for signature to the client and suppliers.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Manager's inspection request

The manager can add an inspection request: check how the equipment was installed, if there are any problems that need to be solved.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #34

Let’s talk about BOQ

BOQ is the fundamental system of the entire platform, which help managers form a list of needs for an object, draw up a specification, approve all this with a client, share it with suppliers so that they can offer their prices for a particular product. Therefore, it was important to pay a lot of attention to this section and work out all possible interactions.

Quick interaction with
tabular data
FEBC managers used to perform all tasks in Excel, and we were faced with the task of making interaction with tables as understandable and native as possible so that users spend as little time as possible performing certain actions.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #35
Fast interaction with tabular data
We elaborated the BOQ system, which help managers to make a list of purchases for the project. Many states and use cases have been elaborated for this section .
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #36

Formation and interaction with the project budget

Forming the BOQ table and receiving prices from suppliers, the Preliminary Budget section is filled in parallel where the user can see how much and where to money need to be spent.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #37

Notifications as an important part of teamwork in a project

As soon as there is some change in the table, (i.e. someone left a comment) the user receives a notification that helps to keep up of all the latest changes.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #38
Possibility to create BOQ using Excel document
Since managers worked with excel earlier and old projects can be stored in excel format, the function of transferring such files to the platform was provided.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #39
Manager side functional
About the mobile app
The inspection app was additionally created 
for the convenience of managers. With its help managers can easily monitor the procurement process directly at the hotel, using only a phone.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #40
Mobile screens
different scenarios of how inspector interacts with app
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #41
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #42
Design and Development of a mobile application for quality control inspections
In working on the platform, the client requested the creation of a mobile application for inspection. The main idea is that the inspectors can control which items have already been delivered and which are expected. The inspector also can communicate in the application about the goods, track and mark defects, and much more. Also, the main idea and task for us were to ensure the compatibility of the mobile application and the desktop platform. The manager could start the inspection from the computer and complete it on the phone, or vice versa.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #43

AR mobile app

A business process solution designed primarily for AR is easily adaptable for multi-channel online use. It was a great challenge to create a cross-platform design language that makes such a solution available for everyone. Imported 3D modeling allowed users to easily place furniture, control delivery and manage purchasing processes.

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #44
This is what we’ve come up with
It took us nine months to complete the bulk of the project’s work at all stages.
Flows for seven different user types;
500+ displays;
When it comes to mobile apps and VR/AR, there are ten clickable prototypes;
There are a total of six extra channels.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #45
See what their users say
The client is so far satisfied with Equal's work. The team's project management has been transparent, concise, and effective. They regularly update the client about the project's progress through Slack.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #1
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company
No items found.

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking

About project

9-12 Months
Team siZE
5 specialists
FEBC International is a leading FF&E and OS&E procurement management consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in major international 
hotel projects.
UI/UX design
Web app
User testing
Navigation Architecture
Mobile app
UX research
Client review

«I like their attention to detail and understanding of their client's goals and scope.»

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #1
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company


Rethinking business processes within FEBC and designing 
a fundamentally new interface for the software with user goals in mind.
Creation of a convenient platform that will allow all parties 
of the procurement process to cooperate and make FEBC business processes more clear and controllable.

Solutions &

6 different global flows were developed for FF&I / OS&I managers, Admin, Suppliers, Clients. Also, we developed  a mobile application for inspection and VR / AR applications. The entire product with all its components has been comprehensively worked out.
1000 h
hours spent
key screen


FEBC International is a leading FF&E and OS&E procurement management consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in major international 
hotel projects.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #2

Experiencing augmentedand virtual reality

Work Process

Research and interview

We needed to learn about the present platform’s functionality and the aims of its users while concurrently creating the platform’s navigation structure so that we would be able better to comprehend the current platform’s functionality and user needs.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #3


Following the client’s approval of the plan and idea, they began constructing the wireframes. The conclusion led to the deployment of the Material Design framework and concepts. Because of this, the development and design teams were able to work together more effectively.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #4

UI Design

We generated clickable prototypes to make it easier to test the product. As a result, users could interact with the product in real-time without incurring any development costs. Other screens and functions could also be tracked and mapped out for future reference by a developer’s team.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #5
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #6

Development support

To get the perfect platform development results, our team has always kept in touch with development team through video calls, active communication in Figma documents, and conducting devchecks.

Review of the 
current platform

A large number of different sides of the procurement process and remote work 
from different locations make management more complex and have a number 
of specific requirements. Today’s hotel management tools are clearly not sufficient 
since they are not designed to fulfill the current needs. This poses major problems 
for employees because they struggle to track their daily tasks and collaborate together.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Noisy screens
There is no specific style of text, icons and all other visual elements of the platform
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
One platform for all FEBC patries
There is no separation os parties, all participants see too much unnecessary information that confuses them.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Bad navigation
It is very difficult to find the section with the necessary information and perform actions promptly.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Lack of tips and onboarding
It is difficult to use the platform without tips because of the burden of information on the screens
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #7
Lack of accents
No opportunity to concentrate on important things, which increases the strain on the platform users.

Client side functional

The process of working on this project turned out to be quite an interesting challenge for us, as it involved a series of research, testing, and preparation 
of a new approach to the project of a huge platform with many sides and tasks
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #8

Control the design phase

The client is aware of each stage, he sees the amount of work done on each stage, as well as the amount of work to be done.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #9

Ability to control several projects

If the client has several current projects, he can control them in one place.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #10

Eligible supplier approval

The client is given a choice between suppliers and can approve or reject different candidates directly on the platform.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #11

Project’s budget control

The client can see how much money was spent and on which categories, as well as compare the amount spent and the remaining in real time.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #12

Manager-supplier communication

The client can communicate with suppliers and managers within the platform, thus reducing the time for communication.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #13

Electronic document signing

The client has the opportunity to sign documents for the delivery with an electronic signature on the platform.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #14

User Scenarios

The client provided us with User Interviews of their managers in the 
form of a text document - this served as the foundation for creating User Scenarios. We needed the scenarios in order to clearly understand the number of people, their main goals, tasks, and wishes. Thanks to the scenarios, we derived 5 main parties that will interact with the platform.
Project Manager (FF&E)
Management of all stages of the procurement process for FF&E
BOQ preparation
Comparison of supplier prices
Obtaining approvals between the client and the manager
Preparing a purchase order for a supplier who has won the contract by the customer's decision
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #15
Project Manager (OS&E)
Management of all process for OS&E
BOQ preparation
Obtaining prices from suppliers
Obtaining approvals between the client and the manager
Preparation of a purchase order checkout for a supplier who has won a contract at the discretion of the client.
Management of the calendar and sticking to the schedule, controling project timing.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #16
Business Manager
Introducing new leads into the system as part of the sales cycle
Monitoring and assisting in the team’s negotiation processes
Transferring the winning contract to the project team
Adding new contacts to the system
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #17
Tracking the progress of project managers in FEBC
Making approvals on the system
Viewing progress
Viewing reports and budgets
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #19
Providing prices for their products within the system
Storing catalogs and information about themselves
Tracking the tenders that they won / lost
Communicating with team members about projects
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #20


Simple and laconic interface for quick and easy interaction
Users can visually track all their projects and their current status on one screen. The convenience of moving between projects and quick switching provides ease in managing each of them.
Less time for functional test creation
Faster navigation interactions
New UX flows that the system lacked
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #22

BOQ Purchasing Control System

We elaborated the BOQ system, which help managers to make a list of purchases for the project. Many states and use cases have been elaborated for this section .
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #23
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #24
Budget Control Widget
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #25
Track the delivery of the order widget
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #26
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #27
Time tracker
We have developed a system that helps company employees track how much time they spend performing a particular task. Here is a widget which help user to select the project he is working on and turns on the tracker.

Manager side functional

FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #28

Manage project stage timelines

The manager sets timelines for different stages of the project and can control them.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #29

Client-supplier communication

Internal chat allows you to communicate with all the people involved in the project.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #30

Purchasing table management

The manager compiles a large tab le of items for purchase, assigning the necessary parameters.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #31

Tender creation for suppliers

The manager adds vendors for the supply tender. After that, suppliers offer prices for different goods.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #32

Purchase order control

The manager maintains documents related to the delivery, edits them and sends them for signature to the client and suppliers.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #33

Manager's inspection request

The manager can add an inspection request: check how the equipment was installed, if there are any problems that need to be solved.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #34

Let’s talk
about BOQ

BOQ is the fundamental system of the entire platform, which help  managers form a list of needs for an object, draw up a specification, approve all this with a client, share it with suppliers so that they can offer their prices for a particular product. Therefore, it was important to pay a lot of attention to this section and work out all possible interactions.
Quick interaction with
tabular data
FEBC managers used to perform all tasks in Excel, and we were faced with the task of making interaction with tables as understandable and native as possible so that users spend as little time as possible performing certain actions.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #35

Fast interaction
with tabular data

We elaborated the BOQ system, which help managers to make a list of purchases for the project. Many states and use cases have been elaborated for this section .
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #36
Formation and interaction with the project budget
Forming the BOQ table and receiving prices from suppliers, the Preliminary Budget section is filled in parallel where the user can see how much and where to money need to be spent.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #37
Notifications as an important part of teamwork in a project
As soon as there is some change in the table, (i.e. someone left a comment) the user receives a notification that helps to keep up of all the latest changes.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #38

Possibility to create BOQ using Excel document

Since managers worked with excel earlier and old projects can be stored in excel format, the function of transferring such files to the platform was provided.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #39

Manager side functional

About the mobile app

The inspection app was additionally created 
for the convenience of managers. With its help managers can easily monitor the procurement process directly at the hotel, using only a phone.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #40
Mobile screens
different scenarios of how inspector interacts with app
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #41
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #42

Design and Development of a mobile application for quality control inspections

In working on the platform, the client requested the creation of a mobile application for inspection. The main idea is that the inspectors can control which items have already been delivered and which are expected. The inspector also can communicate in the application about the goods, track and mark defects, and much more. Also, the main idea and task for us were to ensure the compatibility of the mobile application and the desktop platform. The manager could start the inspection from the computer and complete it on the phone, or vice versa.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #43

AR mobile app

A business process solution designed primarily for AR is easily adaptable for multi-channel online use. It was a great challenge to create a cross-platform design language that makes such a solution available for everyone. Imported 3D modeling allowed users to easily place furniture, control delivery and manage purchasing processes.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #44


This is what we’ve come up with

It took us nine months to complete the bulk of the project’s work at all stages.
Flows for seven different user types;
500+ displays;
When it comes to mobile apps and VR/AR, there are ten clickable prototypes;
There are a total of six extra channels.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #45
See what their users say
The client is so far satisfied with Equal's work. The team's project management has been transparent, concise, and effective. They regularly update the client about the project's progress through Slack.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #46
Tarek Dajani
CCO, Hospitality Solutions Company