Hardware Manufacturer Enterprises

Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software

About project
Hardware Manufacturer
6 Months
Team Size
2 specialists

BalanceCx is a cloud-based analytics software specifically designed to check system performance during commissioning of buildings and structures, as well as to improve the ongoing operation of the facility.

UX/UI design
UX Research
Web App
Style guide & Assets
Navigation Architecture
Client review
“‎We liked their communication cadence and style overall, it was a positive experience.”
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #1
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.
Goals &

Our team had to take an existing product with a wide audience of active users and gradually re-conceptualize it. The most important objective was to improve the present user experience without disrupting well-tried-and-tested interaction patterns that many users deemed ultimately convenient.

Solutions &

We took up a modular approach to product redesign. During the project workflow, we defined every other module to go into work and fully reworked it. This approach enabled us to introduce newly redesigned modules one by one. I.e., some modules remained unchanged while new ones were added gradually. This allowed the existing users to smoothly adopt new designs without a rough transition of the whole system.

In progress
BalanceCX is a cloud-powered solution for in-depth performance analytics in construction systems and building-related platforms that boosts the efficiency of facility-wide operations.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #2
To make the UI/UX utterly convenient and inviting - this was our ultimate goal from the project’s get-go.

Enhanced Facility:
Easier Than Ever

Providing seamless user experience without distracting employees from ongoing tasks is a cost-, time-efficient, and reliable way to improve workflow processes throughout. Which is just the way an up-to-date company should modernize while staying competitive.
4 min
Less time for functional
test creation
Faster navigation
New UX flows that
the system lacked
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #3
Work process

Navigation architecture

We created a navigation architecture, building from the existing product as a foundation. This allowed us to inspect the product and its features in full detail.

The existing architecture was optimized, improved, and expanded for higher levels of user interaction quality.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #3


The main challenge when working on a module-segmented architecture was the prioritization of tasks and elements. We analyzed the situation together with the client and went from major to minor, implementing critical user capabilities, then the secondary ones, then the extras.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #4


Coming up with a visual concept, we took a separate flow and worked through its color scheme, picked font types, and introduced basic components (buttons, fields, dropdowns, etc.). With the client’s approval, we had a consistent style to create all other screens. This approach saved a ton of client’s time.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #5

The purpose of the redesign

The essential task was to enhance the user experience of employees working with the product practically every other day. At the same time, we had to conduct the simplest, smoothest design transition possible, rework interaction flows, and make everything as simple as required to save the most time for the end users.

Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #10

Powerful platform features

Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Functional tests

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Object state panel

A dashboard where users can track the status of different building objects.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Asset dashboards

Personalized panels with detailed reports on system operation with a calendar-based history.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Faults overview

A full overview of system faults with the tracked source of issues’ appearance.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Custom graphs section

A section for the creation of personalized graphs for monitoring specific equipment readings.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Communication system

Collaborative tools that allow groups of users to work seamlessly and exchange comments.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #17

Let’s see how it was before Equal

The former version of the platform was quite difficult to grasp. Poorly placed accents stood in the way of easily making out key features, wasting many users’ time.
The whole navigation across system modules was quite cumbersome, which is why we decided to fully redesign it and implement a new take on the navigation

Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #15
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #12
Redesigned flows
Recorded screencasts for the client
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11


An early prototype allowed us to test new ideas and their implementations in practice to point out which ones we needed for certain and how exactly they affected this or that UX flow.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11

Close client communication

Almost real-time, transparent communication with the client helped us make project-defining decisions fast while hitting the spot when it came to client expectations.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #44

UX-boosting interactive widgets

The essential part of smooth system-wide user interactions is a set of descriptive widgets. We paid a lot of attention to these underlying elements, making them utterly accessible and simple to use so that users can analyze the information they display and make informed decisions faster.

Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11
Control of the system sensors’ state on the main dashboardors with precision
The widgets provide users with the latest status of the sensors placed on a certain construction object. Each widget is minimized by default - users can expand them to see more details.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #22

Current hardware state widget

This widget helps define the state of the connected hardware and check the latest updates, operational status, and a set of faults that impact its running state.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #4

Parameters-tracking widget

Users get to view separate construction parameters using a heat map, as well as visualize different levels of the building object. This allows users to conveniently view exactly what they need.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #4
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #22
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #11
Full control and
insightful readings.
A set of custom widgets and dashboards give full control over all construction processes, visualize various characteristics and statistics of building objects (like airflow), and improve onsite management (e.g., with airflow indication).
Visual overview
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #17
Insightful dashboards for in-depth tracking
Creating an easy-to-grasp design is one of our ultimate tasks. Using light grey tones and pinpointed accents enabled us to facilitate the way users perceive information across the board.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #3
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #24
Set issue types manually for sensitive fault tracking.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #24
Set issue types manually for sensitive fault tracking.
Homezero - climate tech
startup from the Netherlands, photo #17
Let’s implement your next game-changer system
By focusing on the main things, taking modular design step by step, and keeping in direct touch with the client, we managed to achieve a rehauled solution that comes in so much more convenient for its audience of target users. This should help the client make things simpler for hundreds of construction specialists while boosting both sales and reputation.
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #45
See what their users say
“The platform got a felt performance boost. Everything is running much smoother and faster now. The time it took to handle lots of essential tasks decreased dramatically. These were the ultimate goals I perceived from the start, and the redesigned system surely delivered on the promise.”
FEBC - hospitality software rethinking, photo #1
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.
No items found.

Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software

About project

6 Months
Team siZE
2 specialists
BalanceCx is a cloud-based analytics software specifically designed to check system performance during commissioning of buildings and structures, as well as to improve the ongoing operation of the facility.
UX/UI design
UX Research
Web App
Style guide & Assets
Navigation Architecture
Client review

«‎We liked their communication cadence and style overall, it was a positive experience.»

Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #1
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.


Our team had to take an existing product with a wide audience of active users and gradually re-conceptualize it. The most important objective was to improve the present user experience without disrupting well-tried-and-tested interaction patterns that many users deemed ultimately convenient.

Solutions &

We took up a modular approach to product redesign. During the project workflow, we defined every other module to go into work and fully reworked it. This approach enabled us to introduce newly redesigned modules one by one. I.e., some modules remained unchanged while new ones were added gradually. This allowed the existing users to smoothly adopt new designs without a rough transition of the whole system.
In progress


BalanceCX is a cloud-powered solution for in-depth performance analytics in construction systems and building-related platforms that boosts the efficiency of facility-wide operations.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #2

To make the UI/UX utterly convenient and inviting - this was our ultimate goal from the project’s get-go.

Enhanced Facility:
Easier Than Ever

Providing seamless user experience without distracting employees from ongoing tasks is a cost-, time-efficient, and reliable way to improve workflow processes throughout. Which is just the way an up-to-date company should modernize while staying competitive.
4 min
Less time for functional
test creation
Faster navigation
New UX flows that
the system lacked
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #3

Work Process

Navigation architecture

We created a navigation architecture, building from the existing product as a foundation. This allowed us to inspect the product and its features in full detail.
The existing architecture was optimized, improved, and expanded for higher levels of user interaction quality.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #4


The main challenge when working on a module-segmented architecture was the prioritization of tasks and elements. We analyzed the situation together with the client and went from major to minor, implementing critical user capabilities, then the secondary ones, then the extras.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #5


Coming up with a visual concept, we took a separate flow and worked through its color scheme, picked font types, and introduced basic components (buttons, fields, dropdowns, etc.). With the client’s approval, we had a consistent style to create all other screens. This approach saved a ton of client’s time.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #6

The purpose of the redesign

First, we created user scenarios: Mechanic and Manager. For each, we conducted in-detail research to discover what functionality would be helpful for them. Then, we elaborated a user flow and created a list of possible features. Based on that hypothesis, we then created wireframes. After we tested the wireframes and made sure that the user flow, as we see it, matches reality, we designed a clickable prototype.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #7

Powerful platform

Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #8

Functional tests

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #9

Object state panel

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #10

Asset dashboards

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #11

Faults overview

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #12

Custom graphs section

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #13

Communication system

Automated tests that users can create to check the software/hardware performance.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #14

The purpose of
the redesign

First, we created user scenarios: Mechanic and Manager. For each, we conducted in-detail research to discover what functionality would be helpful for them. Then, we elaborated a user flow and created a list of possible features. Based on that hypothesis, we then created wireframes. After we tested the wireframes and made sure that the user flow, as we see it, matches reality, we designed a clickable prototype.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #15
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #12
Redesigned flows
Recorded screencasts for the client
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #16


An early prototype allowed us to test new ideas and their implementations in practice to point out which ones we needed for certain and how exactly they affected this or that UX flow.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #17

Close client communication

Almost real-time, transparent communication with the client helped us make project-defining decisions fast while hitting the spot when it came to client expectations.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #18

UX-boosting interactive widgets

The essential part of smooth system-wide user interactions is a set of descriptive widgets. We paid a lot of attention to these underlying elements, making them utterly accessible and simple to use so that users can analyze the information they display and make informed decisions faster.

Control of the system sensors’ state on the main dashboard

The widgets provide users with the latest status of the sensors placed on a certain construction object. Each widget is minimized by default - users can expand them to see more details.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #19

Current hardware state widget

This widget helps define the state of the connected hardware and check the latest updates, operational status, and a set of faults that impact its running state.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #20

Parameters-tracking widget

Users get to view separate construction parameters using a heat map, as well as visualize different levels of the building object. This allows users to conveniently view exactly what they need.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #21
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #22
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #23

Full control and insightful readings.

A set of custom widgets and dashboards give full control over all construction processes, visualize various characteristics and statistics of building objects (like airflow), and improve onsite management (e.g., with airflow indication).


Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #24

Insightful dashboards for
in-depth tracking

Creating an easy-to-grasp design is one of our ultimate tasks. Using light grey tones and pinpointed accents enabled us to facilitate the way users perceive information across the board.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #25
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #26
Set issue types manually for sensitive fault tracking.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #27
Set issue types manually for sensitive fault tracking.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #28


Let’s implement your next game-changer system
By focusing on the main things, taking modular design step by step, and keeping in direct touch with the client, we managed to achieve a rehauled solution that comes in so much more convenient for its audience of target users. This should help the client make things simpler for hundreds of construction specialists while boosting both sales and reputation.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #29
See what their users say
By focusing on the main things, taking modular design step by step, and keeping in direct touch with the client, we managed to achieve a rehauled solution that comes in so much more convenient for its audience of target users. This should help the client make things simpler for hundreds of construction specialists while boosting both sales and reputation.
Balance CX — UX optimization of the company's internal software, photo #30
Joshua Keeler
Software Engineer, Engineering Economics Inc.