7 min read

Investing in Design: How It Affects Your Business's ROI

We all know what investment is as a general meaning, right? Investment is focusing human resources (time, efforts or money) into something that has the potential to produce results and become a source of income in the long term. But what if I told you that design is also an investment?

Now is the time when design is not just an attractive wrapper of a product that tries to sell itself and pay for itself, but also a business investment. It is truly a full-fledged tool to influence consumers, with the help of which the achievement of business goals becomes one (or even several) steps closer. A quality and strong UI/UX design should play in tandem with the quality of the product itself. But how do we know that our investment in design won't pass without a trace? This article examines the concept of Design Return on Investment (ROI) and investigates how strategic design choices can provide tangible financial benefits for businesses.

The ROI of Design: Understanding the Impact

Return on Investment (ROI) is a calculation to determine if an investment was worthwhile, measuring the return compared to the amount invested.
The general formula for calculating ROIs is quite simple:

ROI = (revenue — cost) / cost x 100

But we wouldn't want to go into how the calculations are done. Rather, let's look at what we are good at - how design investments contribute to diverse components of business success:

  • Diving Deeper than Visual Appearance. Although aesthetics is an important thing, the most significant impact of design stretches far beyond its appearance. Design determines user experience, molds brand perception and influences customer engagement – all of which directly contribute to a company’s financial benefits of good design. Viewing design as a strategic investment rather than a simple cost is pivotal in grasping its true ROI.
  • Brand Perception and Customer Confidence. Consistent and attractive design fosters trust and loyalty for customers. They tend to recognize and remember well-designed brands, creating emotional connections thereby increasing the brand value in their eyes.
  • User Experience and Customer Retention. Intuitive and user-friendly design isn’t just about making a product look good; it’s about ensuring that users can easily navigate and interact with it. A positive user experience translates into satisfied customers who are more likely to return. The cost of acquiring new customers often surpasses that of retaining existing ones, thus initially focusing on ROI of UI/UX design you get financial benefits of good design in customer retention.
  • Conversion Rates and Sales Growth. From website layouts to product packaging, design influences conversion rates. A well-optimized website or an enticing product display can lead to increased sales. Strategic design planning and aligning with business objectives enable companies to observe substantial growth in their sales metrics.

Quantifying Design's Impact on ROI

Measuring design effectiveness and ROI in product design can be a complex task, but it is absolutely essential. Let’s explore several methods and approaches to help you assess the impact of design on business and reveal financial benefits of good design:

  1. Comparison with Previous Results. To begin, compare metrics related to performance and sales before and after the implementation of a new design. This could include metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and average order values. Analyze how design changes have affected these metrics. This is one of the most straightforward ways to measure ROI.
  2. User Surveys and Feedback. Gather feedback from users about how the new design has affected their experience. Assess user satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat purchases. You can also investigate their opinions about the design and identify what aspects they value in the new interface.
  3. Sales and Revenue Analysis. Conduct a detailed analysis of sales and revenue data. It’s crucial to determine how the new design has influenced the company’s financial results. Examine changes in sales volume, average order values, and overall revenue following design enhancements.
  4. Comparison with Competitors. Compare your metrics with those of your competitors. If your product, with its new design, begins to attract more customers or generate more revenue compared to competitors, this can serve as an indicator of successful design.

Case Studies: Design Investment Success Stories

Nothing speaks for itself better than real life business examples. Let's take a look at design investment case studies and what the company has achieved by focusing on the design component of its product:

Apple Inc. exemplifies how leveraging design can drive ROI. The company’s design-centric approach has been integral to the success of its products, from the iconic iPod and iPhone to the sleek MacBook laptops. Apple's design philosophy emphasizes not only visual appeal but also user experience and ease of use, setting the company apart from competitors and solidifying its strong brand image.

Apple’s investment in design has yielded substantial returns, with the company consistently reporting high profits and growth. In 2020, Apple’s revenue exceeded $274 billion, and its market capitalization surpassed $2 trillion.

In conclusion, Apple Inc. demonstrates that the ROI of design can be significant. Effective design enhances user experience, fosters a positive brand image, and ultimately drives financial success. Investing in design is a prudent business strategy that can deliver long-term benefits.

Strategic Design Investment Tips

Strategic design planning should be a part of your business plan in the earliest stages. And it's not to be neglected. Working with businesses in various specific natures we have talked to many clients that have a great idea but have given little thought to the part that strategic design planning plays. In some ways they achieve success and the size of it suits them in the early stages, but then they encounter a stage necessitating a significant investment to rebuild or remodel. Most of the time, clients respond with, “I wish I had done this sooner.”
So, early design studies can have a significant impact on the development cost of a product, service or project. The cost impact of early design studies can be evaluated in two ways: 

  1. Cost savings. Investing in early design studies can help identify and address potential design issues before they become costly problems during the development process. This can lead to significant cost savings, as fixing problems at an early stage is often less expensive than fixing them later on.
  1. Increased efficiency. Early design studies can also increase the efficiency of the development process by clarifying the requirements, defining the scope, and improving the overall design. This can reduce the number of iterations and rework and ultimately lead to lower development costs.

While the specific steps may vary depending on the context, the strategic design process typically follows a few key stages:

  1. Understanding the context. This stage involves conducting research, gathering insights, and analyzing the current state of the organization or problem at hand. It includes stakeholder interviews, user research, and market analysis.
  2. Defining the challenge. Once the context is understood, the next step is to clearly define the problem or opportunity to be addressed. This involves synthesizing research findings, identifying user needs, and defining success criteria.
  3. Coming up with ideas. In this stage, interdisciplinary teams collaborate to generate a wide range of ideas and potential solutions. Techniques like brainstorming, prototyping, and design workshops are commonly used to encourage creativity and exploration.
  4. Prototyping and testing. Selected ideas are then translated into prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) for testing and validation. This iterative process allows organizations to gather feedback, refine concepts, and make informed design decisions.
  5. Implementation and scaling. Once the prototypes are validated, organizations can move into the implementation phase, translating ideas into tangible products, services, or interventions. This stage involves working closely with stakeholders and ensuring alignment with the overall business strategy.

Strategic design looks ahead and goes beyond addressing current challenges; it aims to shape the future. By embracing a forward-thinking mindset, organizations can anticipate trends, emerging technologies, and evolving customer expectations.

Strategic designers serve as change agents, driving innovation and guiding organizations through uncertainty. They are crucial in envisioning new possibilities, challenging the status quo, and creating a roadmap for success in a constantly changing landscape.

The Role of Design in Brand and Product Development

Developing a great UX design is a fundamental thing and can be similar compared with building a house. It involves creating features that ensure the product operates seamlessly for end-users.

UI/UX designers incorporate human-centered structures into the design framework by considering end-users' needs and the constraints they face when using the product. UI/UX design:

  • Improves user satisfaction by creating intuitive interfaces, seamless interactions, and enjoyable experiences. UI/UX designers enhance user engagement and enjoyment, fostering positive perceptions of the product or service.
  • Enhances usability by optimizing user experience, ensuring users can quickly and efficiently complete their tasks. Clear navigation, intuitive workflows, and user-friendly interfaces reduce frustration, minimize errors, and boost productivity.
  • Increases user retention. For example, if image loading times are slow, 25% of users will abandon their interaction with a website. A compelling UI/UX design encourages users to stay longer on a website or app, reducing bounce rates and increasing retention.
  • Boosts conversion rates. For instance, AliExpress saw a 10.5% increase in orders and a 27% improvement in conversion rates for new customers by reducing their page load times by 36%.

At the same time brand development focuses on establishing a reputation through strategic and effective techniques. It essentially involves developing a corporate personality that emphasizes interaction over advertising. This process is more prolonged and tactical, with a conceptual approach. If your products and pricing were identical to competitors, brand development is how you would stand out.

The goal of brand creation is to leave a lasting impression on both current and potential customers. It shapes what you want your customers to say about you and how they will remember you.



Design as a business investment can deliver substantial returns in terms of time, consistency, and cost savings. In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, robust design has become essential for maintaining competitiveness and providing outstanding user experiences. Achieving a competitive design is a collaborative effort, with each step forward leading to greater user satisfaction and business success.

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